Wise Cinderella

I don't call myself Cinderella because she got the Prince in the end. I call myself Cinderella because she was humble, kind, gentle, selfless, but most of all an original. Her journey, purpose, and glass slippers were tailored to fit the destiny that God had created for her. Welcome to my journey!
Wise Cinderella

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Signs of an Abusive Employer

So many of us stick with Companies that we know are not the right fit for us for various reasons. Some of us for the money, some comfort, and some for convenience. Whatever the reasons I have worked many jobs for many employers and although a job hopper is unattractive to future employers; sticking with the wrong Company is not good for you on any level.

Please do not confuse this post for those of you out there who are simply looking for an excuse to continue being a terrible employee. I am speaking to those who work hard, and are looking for signs that they need to RUN and never look back.

If your current employer meet any of the following you should probably consider breaking up. After all life is too short to be tied down to a position you don't want to go to every morning.

1. You're punished for being sick
Some employers will argue and say "well technically we don't have to offer sick days so you should not use them". I never understood what that meant. Being human means sometimes we get sick, and that is okay. It is not fair for employers to make you feel bad when you call in to work because you are not feeling well. Or asked to come in if it means getting others sick. Another thing I don't understand why people come to work sick if they have sick time available. Especially if they are too ill to do their job. My ultimate favorite is being asked to work from home while you are sick. Clearly if you are well enough to work from home you are well enough to go in. Making sure your body gets enough rest to heal and get better does not warrant passive aggressive emails or text from your boss.

2. Made to feel like you do everything wrong, and nothing right
Many of us already have stressful positions and not enough time in the day to finish what we are asked. Throw in unrealistic expectations, unwarranted criticism, and a bad day here and there can make you feel really low about yourself and ability to do your job. If your employer causes you to cry at night while listening to breakup songs, or drink an entire bottle of wine it is probably time to move on. Obviously none of us are perfect and do everything right, but I also believe none of us does everything wrong either. If you know in your heart of hearts that you give your very best every single day well most days because everyone slacks every now and then, and you STILL go home feeling devalued and unappreciated it is probably time to turn in your walking papers. After you find another position of course. I do not suggest quitting your job if you do not have another one lined up.

3. Work-life balance is made to feel like it is not an option
Although I do not have children I am juggling work, a full time course load, and trying to maintain a social life at the same time. I see no point in having my work email on my phone, or taking calls from clients or employees after I leave for the day. If your job does not require you to be on call 24/7 like a Doctor for example you should not be pressured into working while you are off the clock. Especially if it can wait until the next day. Employers that require you to volunteer and sacrifice your free time for task that are not urgent is unfair.

4. Little or no vacation time
We spend most of our lives at work. It is okay to want to enjoy the fruits of your labor with a vacation or two here, and there or even take a day off to Netflix and chill with your boo. If you get anxiety when you want to ask for a day off because you fear it will not be granted that is not okay. Before we can be good employees we need to be good to ourselves and everyone needs a little downtime. Again, abusive employers will argue that is what weekends are for. But what is better than taking off a Wednesday and just enjoying you every once in awhile?

5. Workplace bullying is tolerated
Working usually means putting up with different personalities, and that is just the facts of life. But if multiple people complain on a particular employee or person in management due to bullying or making the environment toxic and response is " that is just the way are". In case you thought that is a valid answer it is not. Coworkers or management disrespecting you, or violating confidentiality agreements is not acceptable working conditions.

6. You're constantly walking on eggshells
Being afraid to say the wrong thing or even something as simple as asking a question with the fear of someone exploding on you adds unnecessary stress to your day. Differences aside you should be able to talk to your coworkers or boss without getting snapped at or emotionally abused. Regardless of personal feelings respecting each other, and healthy communication is necessary to maintain a tolerable work environment.

7. Your opinions/concerns don't matter... EVER
Obviously our boss does not have to consult us on every business or managerial decision they make. But if you have a valid concern whether they agree with you or not you should still feel like you have a voice. Open door policies should be practiced in healthy work environments. Feeling like an asset to the team that you are on not only motivates you, but feeling valued makes you a better employee altogether.

8. The business practices goes against your morals and values
If you are compromising your values on a daily basis and asked to do things that do not line up with what you stand for the job is probably not a good fit. I loved the show Revenge and you do not want to be collateral damage in an Amanda Clark type of take down. That could be all bad for you.

9. You're becoming bitter not better
Any position that is a right fit for us should be helping us grow in our strengths, and developing and challenging our weaknesses in the right way. If you once were a bubbly outgoing individual and now all you can do is roll your eyes and countdown the hours until the day is over. You are either bored and need a new challenge or you're completely uninterested in your job.

No matter the Company you work for or position you hold there will always be challenges and ways to overcome them, but if where you work is sucking the life out of you and causing you an unhealthy amount of stress it may be time to move on. I know sometimes finding a new job can be a fulltime job in itself but you deserve to enjoy what you do, and appreciated as well. A job is a give and take relationship between you and your employer. Just like you benefit from them, they benefit from you as well. They should not be able to suck the life out of you and live room for anything else.

But please remember we play a part in this as well. Although at this moment you may be dreading going to work every single day while you are there you should do your very best until you find the right fit for you.

-Wise Cinderella